// A Bit About Me

// Our Mission

At MEINC, we are dedicated to transforming the music industry. We develop advanced technology solutions that empower musicians to unleash their creativity, reach broader audiences, and thrive in a digital age where music consumption is ever-evolving.

Through our innovative platforms and services, we offer musicians opportunities to share their talent, connect with fans, and grow their careers. Our data-driven insights help artists better understand their audience, refine their craft, and make informed decisions that elevate their musical journey.

// Our Vision

build a music ecosystem that fosters inclusivity, diversity, and artistic exploration. We are passionate about music's ability to evoke emotions, inspire change, and leave a lasting impact on society.

Together, we embark on a melodious journey, harmonizing the music industry, one innovative step at a time. Join us, and let's create music magic together!

The ME Team

We are a small team of dedicated individuals spread across the globe.
Besides the core team, we have many freelance team members

Shah Ullah

Shah Ullah

AI/ML, Biz dev